New All-Weather Snowmaking System Launched

New All-Weather Snowmaking System Launched

The Italian-headquartered snowmaking company Demaclenko has created a new all-weather snowmaking machine which the company says offers, “…an unprecedented solution for efficient and powerful snowmaking when it’s not freezing.”

Working with the Austrian-based company 3CON, a specialist in interior production systems, Demaclenko has christened their technology ‘Snow4Ever 200’ and states,

“What’s revolutionary about Demaclenko’s technology is that real technical snow, rather than flake ice, is produced inside the system, regardless of external climatic conditions and with significantly reduced energy consumption.”

They state that the machine’s production volume of 200 m³ (260 Yd³) per day makes it the most powerful temperature-independent snow producer on the market so far, and stresses that unlike existing all-weather snowmaking machines, “…its snow doesn’t differ in quality and texture from snow made by conventional snowmaking systems.”

The machine requires only water and air with no additives, has a modular design for easy transportation, requires no previous experience to operate running the company’s user-friendly Snowvisual 4.0 software, and has an automated de-icing system meaning its components don’t ice up, a problem for some other machines, Demaclenko say.

Users can also adjust snow density and therefore snow quality according to needs.

“Adventure parks and event organizers, for instance, can produce dry powder snow, while ski venue operators can produce compact piste snow. All you have to do is press a button to choose the quality of snow to produce,” the company claims.

Demaclenko see their market for Snow4Ever 200 as including ski resorts, organisers of winter sports events such as cross-country skiing, biathlon, alpine skiing and ski jumping as well as for  snowmaking on glaciers and for indoor snowmaking.

The company believes it holds an advantage over existing-manufacturers particularly for Alpine ski events as it says flake ice is unsuitable for the steep slopes involved, where it would slide down due to its lack of grip.