Protect Our Winters UK Publish Impact Report

Protect Our Winters UK Publish Impact Report

The past year have shown the impact of the climate emergency on the world’s snowy places like never before, but the Protect Our Winters (POW) group continues to raise awareness with the aim of encouraging everyone to do what they can to fight back.

The groups UK’s division have just published an Impact Report detailing what they achieved in 2021.

“Do you ever wonder what aliens would think of us? Would they think us mad? Given the only habitable planet we’re aware of to live on, we have set about systematically destroying our life support system – exterminating species, destroying habitats, poisoning the biosphere, destabilising the climate and so on,” the report’s introduction by POW UK founder and chair Sandy Trust begins.

POW UK’s report is available to download here. Some of their many achievements include:

•       At COP26 POW UK represented the outdoor community on the international climate stage.

•       POW UK launched their biggest campaign to date, Divest the Dirt, mobilising 400+ people to contact their MPs to demand change.

•       POW UK continued delivering their Carbon Literacy Training to their community.

•       POW UK also ran their first-ever community fundraising campaign #SaveThe2000.

•       All while growing their team, partnerships and revenue.

“We will protect the places we love from climate change. Keep fighting the good fight!” said POW UK’s Lindsey Dixon.