Cover Band to Play Floyd’s “Dark Side of The Moon” At Ski Area During Total Eclipse

Vermont ski area Jay Peak has booked a cover band that specialises in Pink Floyd to play the famous band’s iconic 1973 album ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ in full when the resort experiences a total solar eclipse next spring.
“Jay Peak is in the best possible spot to catch the total solar eclipse next spring, so we’re throwing a party called The Whiteout.”
The eclipse will take place next April 8, 2024, starting at around 2:14 pm and totality will be between 3:26 and 3:29pm.

The resort has booked the band Pink Talking Fish to play Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon (outside, in its entirety) leading up to totality.
Pink Talking Fish describes themselves as “A Fusion of Pink Floyd, Talking Heads and Phish!” on their Facebook page.

The Whiteout will include more live music in the resort’s Foeger Ballroom the night before, too and there will be special viewing areas set up, commemorative swag and “a general sense of celebration throughout the weekend,” the Jay Peak statement says, adding, “…this event is expected to sell out.“
Ski/Ride and/or Waterpark Lodging Packages are available starting at $365/night,
Image top credit: Luc Viatour /