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December 10, 2006
Stefanos from Greece provides its viewers great information in a great and fun way, and for that I thank them. For those who like traveling I urge you to visit our gorgeous mountains where you can enjoy skiing next to the wilderness or even participate in snow-park competitions that are held in different resorts each year – all around Hellas.
Keep up the good work S-F team!! -
November 20, 2006
Trevor from United Kingdom
Putting together 2 group trips:- 27th Jan & 10th March, max 24 people.£385, 7 nights B&B, 6 days Lift-pass, transfers, 2 evening meals.
Skiing in the Dachstein West Ski region, 140kms intermediate piste + the Krippenstein Freeride Arena (as seen in Warren Miller's Off the Grid)
Anybody fancy joining us send an e-mail, should be good!
November 09, 2006
Erla Leifsdottir from Iceland
Iam here again for the 3 season - great website .
Informing all my friends every year - greetings from Iceland -
November 02, 2006
simon davey from United Kingdom
I see from the web cam super dolimites have the snow cannons on it want be long now cant waite
September 23, 2006
Liane from United Kingdom
Oh god is it the ski season yet? All this waiting...
September 21, 2006
Faye from United States
I'm from Colorado and I loved viewing this sight! I will put it in my plans to visit some of the ski resorts in Europe this year. Thanks for all the information!
August 05, 2006
Gail Marten from Ireland
great site - any one know where Heath Judson has got to !!!!!!!!!
March 20, 2006
scott from United Kingdom
Keep the toffie vodka flowing! This sites great - been using you for 3 seasons now! c ya
March 20, 2006
scot from United Kingdom
Hey guys thanx for the great info of the snow. Been in france la Tania for the last month. Have seen both sides of the weather but the snow over the last two weeks has been the best I've seen, non stop for TEN days! and thanx to the ausi bar which makes there own toffie vodka - I've brought some home with me!! C ya next year!!! btw ani1 who wants to talk to me botu where to go and where not to or for a chat email me at, c ya next year!!
March 09, 2006
Kathie Phelps from United Kingdom
Thanks for all your excellent info. Great to be able to monitor snow around the world. Incidentally, your webcams in Andorra- The one labelled 'Arinsal' is actually Pal. Arinsal has a new webcam, showing up on and they've recently added one for Arcalis as well. Maybe you could consider linking to those cameras for a more accurate report on Andorra? Sorry, I'm biased, i live there part of the year, and I love it!
February 25, 2006
Lydia from United Kingdom
hey guyz dis year was really good. And I had a really good time. thank you !!!!!
February 25, 2006
mnm from Austria
you guys do a helluva job. keep it up.
been using you for almost 3 seasons!
mnm in kitzbuhel -
February 05, 2006
Mike from United Kingdom
I have been monitoring the snow state europewide for the last 4 weeks . I find this site full of information for any skier who skis on a regular basis
Thank you -
January 31, 2006
sally from United Kingdom
hello i like the site
January 26, 2006
Chris Kilburn from United Kingdom
Excellent site - needs to be publicised more.
Keeps me going at work in-between my skiing holidays -
January 17, 2006
kuma-san from Japan
It is a great site. In Japan this year, we get record snow fall in different part of the country, including Hokkaido, Nigata, and the Japan Sea side. It is good for people from other countries find out the snow condition of the sky resorts of these ski places before you go. Some runs were closed in ski resorts because of avalanche or the danger of it. There was one in the popular Yuzawa resort in Nigata killing one skiier.
I have more information about Japan in my site <a href=''></a> Please visit me and give me some comments.
January 04, 2006
Peter Watts from United Kingdom
Thanks for a very useful site.
Really helpful to see what the conditions in Wengen are likely to be next week when I visit to create a virtual tour with panoramic photography. Will definately add link to my skiing section.Peter -
December 26, 2005
The REAL Viking from Iceland
You have very good website here.
I am glad to put my step in your guestbook.Welcome to my website as well
Best greetings from Iceland
November 17, 2005
Bjorn from Sweden
You really got a great site here!
Having a look almost every day, longing for the snow to dump in the Alps and in the north of Sweden.
Going up to Åre (biggest resort in Sweden) for a five days of warmup in January before going to Monte Rosa late January. Back home for a month then back to the Alps in March for couple of weeks, will decide where to later but a roundtrip in Switzerland would be nice. My season will end up in north of Sweden in April with heliskiing in Kittelfjäll.
Lets pray for snow!
November 16, 2005
james from United Kingdom
I could not do without this site at all !! As a seasonaire in the alps i log on reg to check any snow due etc / freezin level , you guys do an amazing job keep it up , also good to look at places i can only dream off going at this stage i.e whistler etc , is there any good snow due , if any users know any long term forecasts for french alps please post on here , this would be appriciated . keep up the good work guys im all packed ready to rock just need a good dump to set things off .
November 14, 2005
Elaine Mander from United Kingdom
This is a great site! I am lucky enough to be going to Austria and Canada this winter, so I have to look every day!! Keep up the good work! I could'nt do without you.
Cheers Elaine
October 26, 2005
Powdercat from Australia
Puga's comments above have me confused. I don't think his/her home is listed under India, but I might be mistaken.
Going my Gulmarg this site is extemely accurate. The resort exec in charge of snow grooming/clearing utilises it to plan his work. He mentioned to me last winter one day about 44 cms were predicted, and accordig to him he measured a new 43cms for the day.
Peter Robinson -
October 18, 2005
John from United Kingdom
Regular visitor to site, really useful for snow updates. How can I add a picture to the visitors pictures?
October 17, 2005
Greg from United Kingdom
Great site, loads of info, look forward to logging on everyday to check the snow forecast for France! Can't wait! Bag and Board packed ready to head off!
October 17, 2005
james from France
love the site guys , keep checkin the site for regular updates as to when the snow is comin to france , cant wait for it to give a big dump then we can kick off the 05/06 season with some dialled in off the hook ridin !!
site is awesome !! keep up the good work
September 29, 2005
Christos Georgiou from Greece
To the postmaster at
Please, please, please, do setup an SPF record ( ). Since you send a lot of email to lots of people, it's at least polite to show that you respect the hard work other postmasters do against spamming.
Thank you.
September 28, 2005
Alexander Apostolov from Bulgaria
The best site about snow forecasting.I visit it every single day and I'm sure that I'll find true information about the places where I go to ski.It's a great place for all people who are interested in winter sports and tourism.Also this year the ski resort list is filled with more resorts than the last year.The site becomes better and better constantly!
September 28, 2005
Gani Gashi from Albania
It is very good site. I visit it every day.
Best regardes from Gani (Kosovo Hidrometeorological Institute-Pristina) -
September 20, 2005
Simon Snow Man from United Kingdom
Great site! I have been coming back regularly for the past year.
Where it is snowing is absolutely fascinating.
Keep up the good work!
September 01, 2005
dave from New Zealand
Best forecast site I've come across! Yeah ha!