Sportsdo - Mobile Phone GPS tracking

SportsDo adds new dimensions to my snow sports experience by converting your mobile phone into a personal GPS sports tracking device allow you to see and hear key information such as speed, distance, altitude, etc. on your mobile phone. SportsDo can also broadcast your current location to other SportsDo users and the website allowing people to see where you are in real-time.
( BBC Ski Sunday presenters Ed Leigh and Graham Bell are now using SportsDo)
The image (above) shows an export of a day's skiing in Courchevel that was easily exported from the online Sportsdo portal into Google Earth for interactive viewing in 3D.
69 mph!
I'd always wanted to know how fast I skied or boarded and now SportsDo tells me the answer – in real time. It's an incredible feeling to be flying down my favourite run, my music playing on my headphones while SportsDo's voice announces my speed at regular intervals.
Hurtling down mountains
And when I've reached the bottom of the run I can check all my stats on my phone's screen. One day I'm going to beat Andy Green's SportsDo skiing speed record – an incredible 69 mph.
Ski lift detection
This software is so clever; it even detects when I get on and off the lift automatically creating me a new lap so at the end of the day I can see exactly how many lifts and runs I've completed and see individual stats for each piste.
The new après-ski
Comparing top speeds with my friends is a new apres-ski fixture – and so is matching how far we've each skied during the day. When SportsDo tells me I've skied 30km and burned 1,200 calories then I know I've earned the great meal I'm about to demolish!
Finding your buddies
When we're up on the mountain I use SportsDo's Text Buddies to find my friends. I'm also using SportsDo Live to transmit all my activity stats to the web so my mates stuck at work can see what I'm up to. Hope they're not too jealous...
Lift detection as standard
SportsDo has lift detection, so it automatically starts a new lap for me when I get off the lift. I've found that I can compare lift speeds across the resort and make sure I get as much skiing time as possible.
Review my track
I also find SportsDo's route trace feature really handy. I can see the exact route I took on each slope and even count my S's. When you're hitting twenty or more runs in a day it's hard to sort each one out in your memory. SportsDo does the remembering for me.
Kept for posterity
And when I'm back home from my trip I can look back on the whole experience through the SportsDo portal. All my activity stats are there, the songs I listened to, and the photos I took. And here's a cool thing: my pictures are linked to a map, showing where I took each one. I can even link into Google Earth and fly back over my routes.
Whether you're on planks or a board, SportsDo is the perfect companion. SportsDo is a natural for sporty people – it just helps you get even more out of what you love doing.
Sign up to become a member and get a 10% rebate when you purchase a system from SportsDo

view of the sportsdo portal showing map overlay and graphs of speed / elevation / altitude etc.