Thanks to our photographers we are pleased to present a stunning selection of ski, board and snow wallpapers for your desktop

Directions to save your wallpapers to your desktop:

PC Users:
Choose the size wallpaper you want on your screen and click on the link. A photo will open in a new window, right click on the photo and choose "set as background". That's it, you're done!

MAC Users:
Choose the size wallpaper you want on your screen and click on the link. A photo will open in a new window. Drag the image to your desktop and save it. Now click the apple icon in the top left corner. Now click System Preferences... then click the Desktop & Screensaver icon. Now click Choose Folder... and select the wallpaper you saved to your computer. There you're done!

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600

Choose size and click to download:
1600 X 1200
1280 X 1024
800 X 600